Isabele Orengo was born in Curitiba, Brazil, in 1994.
The script supervisor, screenwriter, producer, and director assistant have worked with cinema since 2013. Became a partner at Gesto de Cinema in 2017, with Caio Baú.
As a script supervisor, the most recent film released was ESTÔMAGO 2, by Marcos Jorge, which Premiered at the Gramado Film Festival 2024, HOUSE OF IZABEL (2022, Gil Baroni), which was the opening film at 12º Olhar de Cinema 2023, and THE WHISPERS THAT KILLED ME, by Arthur Tuoto and produced by Grafo Audiovisual. She also signs the streaming series for Star+ ÚLTIMAS FÉRIAS (The Last Vacation). Other important title yet in post-production are TORNIQUETE, directed by Ana Catarina Lugarini and starring Marieta Severo, HORIZONT, by Jessica Candal, and the upcoming miniseries CARAVELLE 114, by Willian Biagioli.
As a producer, she received over 30 awards and two nominations for the Brazilian Cinema Great Award (Grande Prêmio do Cinema Brasileiro) in 2018. Her short films were also screened in festivals such as Dok Leipzig, Mix Brasil,, Kinofórum, FIDBA, Festival de Brasília do Cinema Brasileiro and Huesca. Isabele also produced the TEDxJaraguáDoSul 2022 event, and was part of the production companies Processo MultiArtes, Sto Lat Filmes and Cazumbá Filmes.
Today, she works on the animation series THEREZA DAS MARÉS, with Júlia Vidal, a transmedia project with content in comics and other formats. The series project was selected for Curitiba LAB - Olhar de Cinema in 2017.
>> Graduation
2013 - 2018 | Bacharelor in Cinema & Vídeo UNESPAR
>> Free courses and other studies
2024 | How does a script become a movie? The Director Assistance, Colabcine, by Louise Fiedler
2023 | Complete Journey of a screenwriter, Colabcine, by Ana Johann
2020 | Script for Documentaries, 3º REAU, by Letícia Simões
2019 | Workshop Fémis of Creative Production, La Fémis França, Projeto Paradiso, by Juliette Gradmont
2018 | Creative Writing, Esc Escola de Escrita, by Cezar Tridapalli
2015 | Contracts, public politics, financing resources and distribution strategies for cinema, SEBRAE PR, by Daniel Rainho, Roberta Ladeira, Gilberto Toscano and Minom Pinho
2015 | Script Espaço de Arte, by Aly Muritiba
2014 | Art History, Espaço de Arte, by Paulète Cristiane and André Dias
2014 | Audiovisual Production and Project Managment, Espaço de Arte, by Antônio Jr.
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